Sunday, February 15, 2015

Crystals To Combat Fear and Anxiety!


     Crystals have been around since the beginning of time serving multiple purposes throughout the coarse of history. The ancient Egyptians buried themselves with them to protect themselves in the crossing to the afterlife, they were carved into jewelry, you've seen psychics use crystal balls and stones to perform spells, healers use them to channel energy. 

     So how can you use them you may wonder? Every thought and emotion we have vibrate at a certain frequency such as stress,fear, or anxiety which vibrate at lower frequencies. Let's face it, we all get stressed out every once in a while, crystals vibrate at a frequency that heal and transmute the lower vibrational thoughts and feelings healing and balance your chakra's, and depending on the crystal absorb, deflect, or transmute negative energy. 

  Everyone is afraid of something and this day in age our generation we are constantly living in fear of survival. fear of being hurt, fear of loss. The crystals help us to relax while bringing about changes to the subconscious mind releasing the old patters that cause us to experience fear bringing the truth to light so we may experience deep peace.

  You can meditate with it for a few minutes, you can hold it in you hand and say positive affirmations, simply having it within you aura will allow you to benefit for it's amazing healing properties. the stones best associated for relieving fear and anxiety are

Amethyst- Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz, amethyst brings deep feelings of tranquility and     relaxation, promoting dreams and intuition. Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst guard against guilty and fearful feelings. It has been worn as protection from self-deception. The amethyst has been used to open psychic centers. Amethyst is the perfect stone for quitting addictions or for relieving stress or tension for the head. Amethyst instantly makes me feel calm connecting you to your higher self and higher spiritual wisdom. Amethyst can be used to open and protect both the crown and third eye chakras. Amethyst transmutes lower vibrates into higher vibrations guarding against pyschic attack or negative thoughts we pick up from others.

Lithium Quartz-Lithium quartz is a super high energy healing and balancing stone. It is said to be self-clearing and self-cleansing. Lithium quartz is balancing and calming, and is used in crystal healing as a natural anti-depressant.  Emotionally, lithium quartz is said to relieve stress, anxiety, and tension, bringing hope, relaxation and peace. It works in a gentle and slow but steady and powerful manner, not causing the discomfort of sudden change that some crystals might at times. Lithium quartz is excellent for meditation and prayer. It is used to heal repressed grief and anger, as well as emotional issues from past lives. It is also said to purify water. Physically, lithium quartz is used in crystal healing for stress related disorders, immune system, depression, bipolar disorder, muscular tension, repetitive motion injuries.

Pink Kunzite- Used to relieve stress and anger, and to bring love, peace and harmony. It is also a stone that is used in metaphysics to removes obstacles. Kunzite is said to helpin crystal healing to strengthen the circulatory system, and in in the treatment of lung disorders. Kunzite is associated with the heart chakra. 

Tigers Eye- Tigers eye is a golden variety of quartz used to eliminate fear, anxiety, and ADD. Tigers eye attracts good luck and money in new and unknown ways. Tigers eye works strongly to balance the root sacral and solar plexus chakra to bring forth new ideas and feelings of confidence, success, and patience.

Charoite -  Integrates "negative qualities" and facilitates acceptance of others. It releases deep fears and is particularly useful for overcoming resistance or putting things into perspective. It bestows drive, vigour, and spontaneity and is able to reduce stress and worry, bringing about a relaxed attitude. Charoite can be used to overcome compulsions and obsessions.

Aquamarine- 'stone of courage" aquamarine helps people who are over judgmental of other people and deflects negative energy filtering out thought impressions we pick up from other people. Aquamarine helps those who lack courage to speak up for themselves while bringing feelings of love peace and tranquility. 

Black Tourmaline- Black tourmaline opens our root chakra helping us feel grounded safe and secure. It deflects unwanted energies and emf radiation. Black tourmaline turns negative energy into positive usable energy balancing both hemispheres of your brain and balancing your mood releasing feelings of fear anxiety and stress.

Rose Quartz- Rose quartz helps deal with fear of being alone. Rose quartz fills your being with unconditional love and acceptance releasing fear and anxiety. Rose quartz releases old dealings of unworthiness and abuse filling yo with positive self esteem and self love. Rose quartz can be used to attract  love into your life simply by holding it in your dominant hand and visualizing the relationship you wish to manifest. Make sure to cleanse the crystal first, hold it under running water for a few moments with the intention of cleaning it and place it in the sun for an hour. 


Chad Strohl is a certified reiki therapist and healing crystal advisor  he's been treating clients for over 2 years helping them find healing, peace, and purpose. With a great passion for life chad can help you re find your center and balance and put you back on your lifes path. email me at or book an appointment at to book an appointment today!


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